Time: 9:00 AM - 7:00 PM
Air Temperature: 55-68 Degrees
Water Temperature: 60-64 degrees
Lake Level: 578.87'
Weather Conditions: Light 0-6 MPH
Took a day off of work and fished solo today. Water temperature and lake level were perfect. From experience at Cedar Creek, I've learned the crappie really don't begin to bite until around 9-10 AM, so no since in getting here so early.
I put in at the east boat landing today and rode down to the west bay and fished the small pockets. I specifically concentrated on brush today. I began catching crappie pretty quickly in tree tops with minnows under a bobber in 2' to 6' of water. I realized after a while that some of the brush I didn't have luck with early in the day was because I was fishing too shallow on my slip float. I went back over the deep brush fishing deeper (8') and caught some fish. Most of the larger fish were caught deeper.
The successful pattern today was to catch 2-4 fish in a bush and then move on. I was very successful in the west bays and pockets. I picked up 2-4 more in pocked around the big boat landing bay. I moved east towards the launch and fished the bay near the bridge and pump station on the north shore. I picked up 2-4 more there.
Finished the day with 24 keeper crappie and threw back 2-4 shorts. I caught a few yellow bass and largemouth. Excellent day, perfect conditions!!
I cleaned the fish and ended up with 4 lbs of dressed fillets. About 2/3 were females and eggs were milky. Males were colored back with spawn colors. Eggs seemed to be ready to release.
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