Time: 6:45 AM - 1:00 PM
Air Temperature: 90 Degrees
Water Temperature: 83-85 Degrees
Lake Level: 555.98'.
Weather Conditions: Calm.
Launched at the house and started by floating jugs on the flats out in front of the house. I was using cut bait solely today.
As a side note, I installed a new hydrofoil on the motor and today was the test drive. I was very impressed with the performance. It really helped to keep the bow down and get the boat to plane quicker.
I went over to the nuclear plant and fished my normal area. Bite was a little slow, but I was picking up fish. I caught several out there bumping bottom before heading back to run jugs around 9:00.
Jugs were a total bust. Not a single bite. I let them keep floating and went back to fish the nuclear plant. I fished along the spill gate pylons. I caught a couple more here. One blue weighed around 8-10 lbs and I turned that one loose to grow. I moved back over towards the green buoy and fished the drop off and caught 2-3 more cats.
On the way home, I ran the jugs one last time and had nothing on them. I'm concerned the nylon leaders might have something to do with the lack of interest, so I'm going to re-tie 1/2 of them with monofilament to see if that makes a difference.
Ended the day with 12 cats total from rod and reel. I kept 10 that dressed into 9 lbs of fillets. Overall it was a very good day, even if jugs didn't produce.
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