The Coyote Hat Company

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Sunday, April 19, 2020

Big Bertha

Location: Browns Ferry - Wheeler Lake - Alabama

Time: 6:00 AM - 7:30 AM
Air Temperature: 51 Degrees
Water Temperature: 

Lake Level: 555.75' Strong current - 156,692 cfps
Weather Conditions: Light winds from NW - 6 mph.  Storm rolling in.  Moderate rain.

Yesterday I tried to fish Browns Ferry, but the wind was just too bad.  I instead putted around in the bay by my house for a little while with minnows under a bobber.  I caught one nice channel cat and one bluegill, but only stayed about an hour and a half.  I turned the catfish loose, but kept the bluegill for potential bait. I went home and reworked my transducer on my depth finder.  I've had trouble holding bottom at any decent speed, but I think I have it fixed now.  I also put a new drag that I made in the boat.

As the day cleared up, I decided to try to put out a 50 hook trotline.  I had a bluegill, some frozen shad, shrimp, and a handful of small bluegill I caught early in the week in a minnow trap.  I headed down past Browns Ferry at 6 PM and dropped the line behind the island where the power line comes across in about 12 FOW. 

I got up this morning and it was already starting to rain.  I knew a storm front was coming in, but the weather forecast it to start a little later than it did.  My goal was to get the line ran and in the boat as quick as I could before weather got really bad. 

I made it out no problems and began pulling the line.  I could see one fish splashing about 6-7 hooks down.  Otherwise, it didn't feel like there was much on the line.  As I got close, I saw the fish was pretty big... but I didn't realize how big!

I pulled this fat lady in and practiced CPR (Catch, Photograph, Release).  She was a hawg! It weighted 40 lbs!  That easily puts this fish in my top 5 of all time and possibly the top 2 or 3.  I pulled in one more channel cat down the line and found an empty hook were I had lost one.  Not a day full of lots of fish, but Bertha made the trip totally worth it!

Big Bertha!! 40 lbs.

Hitting the water to put out the lines.  My community boat ramp.
50 Hook line boxed and baited.  Ready to roll.

A new line drag I built.

Did some work on my transducer earlier today - Holding bottom now at 35 mph FULL SPEED!!

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