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Saturday, July 10, 2021

A Change in Tactics...

Wheeler Lake - Decatur

Time: 8:00 AM - 12:30 AM
Air Temperature: 75 - 85 degrees during trip
Water Temperature: 
Lake Level: 556.05
Weather Conditions: Mostly Sunny.  Winds NE 8-9 mph sustained.

My friend Joe came down from the Nashville area and we decided to approach the day in pursuit of a mixed bag.  We loaded up with worms, minnows, and frozen shad to be prepared for pretty much anything.  We launched at Arrowhead Landing and started the day fishing the deep water cover hoping to pull out some crappie on minnows or bluegill on worms.  We also launched 5-6 jugs on the flats out from the landing and 5-6 more just out of the mouth into the main river.

After an hour or so, we had zero luck on in the brush and it was obvious we needed to change tactics.  We needed to run jugs and I was thinking about trying for catfish under the interstate bridge, but another idea hit me on the way... We should try the grain barges by the cat food plant.

We went back into Arrowhead and ran the jugs.  No catfish, but right after we checked a a jug and threw it back in, Joe noticed it was acting funny.  We circled back and had a gar that is probably the biggest one I've ever caught.  

We ran back out into the channel and checked the others and pulled in one small catfish.  We headed on to the grain barges and set up there.

At the grain barges, we cut up shad and bounced bottom around back of the barge.  There were lots of baitfish in the area and we quickly hooked up.  In about 2 hours, we landed 12 catfish.  We had a solid time and it proved that sometimes you just have to adapt your plan to whatever works.  Look forward to doing it again!


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